Zygmunt Bauman, a famous Anglo-Polish sociologist, delivers a rich, committed andunusually controversial text in which he questions the idea of a world in which growing insecurity would justify an increased need to protect oneself. Since it has been established that the welfare state is decaying, the author believes that the State is skilfully maintaining a feeling of insecurity in which it finds a new legitimacy.
So, according to him, insecurity would be a feeling, more than a reality. However, security, which is supposed to reassure citizens, would paradoxically have the opposite effect since it encourages wariness of the others and isolation from the outside world seen as criminogenic. The best way of abandoning this feeling of insecurity would be by adopting an ethical approach, which would focus on living together and getting to know the Other. Isolation or living together : security and ethics would thus be seen as incompatible. If the author does not make any direct reference to companies, the latter should not remain blind to the particularly controversial ideas defended in the text …
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